Basket Weaving and Willow Work
What better way to relax than sitting with a bunch of friends weaving wonderful creations out of willow! Anna Rayment is our fantastic teacher who will not only teach you some incredible willow work, allowing your imagination to run wild, but will also make your workshop one of laughter and fun. You can make anything you like from hearts to animals to garden decorations to stars and more !

Henna Body Art
Henna is an ancient traditional body art form originating in Africa and the Middle East. Associated with love and ceremony it is the perfect addition to weddings and hen parties! Bee makes her own pastes and aftercare balms using 100% natural brown henna and organic ingredients. Safe to use at any age including pregnancy. Stains last between 7 to 10 days. Bee has been working as a professional artist since 2016. With a background in circus, art, textiles, environmentalism and a love of travel, she draws inspiration from diverse cultural influences to create her many forms of art.
This might be a great thing to do on Friday evening when you arrive. A great way to bond and you’ll look fab for the whole weekend !

Painting and Glitter
Face painting, glitter and hair feathers. Perfect for weddings and hen weekends. Bee works as a professional face painter and glitter artist at theme parks, festivals and events across the UK. She uses professionally approved high quality hypoallergenic paints and ethically sourced environmentally friendly glitter! Bee makes her own stunning jewel clusters to add another level of sparkle to many of her designs and is happy to work to any theme you have in mind.

PomPoms, Streamers and Wrapping Paper
Learn to create the most amazing luscious PomPoms and Streamers in gorgeous rich colours – so much fun and you’ll also learn to print your own tissue paper with amazing designs. Not only great fun, but the bonus is you have something great to take home, wrap up your presents with, or hang up at the wedding !

Fancy a go at being the next
Banksy? MissC and her Graffiti Academy will provide everything you need to have a go at graffiti . You will be told the history of graffiti (it’s older than you think!) and be kitted up in all the gear to use sprint paint (brilliant photo opportunity time!) MissC will then tutor you all to write in a graffiti style with the aim of making canvases that you can take away or gift to the bride with your own special messages.

The Olympics Sports Day
Why not get the heart pumping with our superb sports day event. Individually, or in teams, you’ll compete for some fun prizes. Shuffle and bounce along in our sack race, navigate obstacle courses, race in old favourites like the egg and spoon, join forces in the 3 legged race, and much much more. At the end there will be prizes for Bronze, Silver and Gold winners. Of course there will be the traditional lemon juice and orange segments to keep you hydrated!

For Busy Hands
How do you fancy idling away a few hours in the sunshine with a gentle activity of your choice?
We can set you up with all sorts of things should you wish. How about soap making? Fancy making felt jewellery? Make your own lip balm? Create a colourful dreamcatcher? Colourful woollen pompoms for bunting? Just let us know what you enjoy, and we’ll find the right activities for you.
This workshop doesn’t involve a teacher. We will provide you with complete kits for the craft of your choice and let you get on with it! Refreshments can be provided if required. Prosecco and pompoms – always a good mix !
You will love our drumming workshop – so much fun – and you will be amazed with what you can achieve. Start with the basics and before you know it you will be creating magic. Nothing like it to create an amazing bond ! You will discover that you have rythym even if you didn’t know it!

This you will love. Moses, originally from Kenya, will teach you to juggle with clubs, hats and balls. As a teenager, Moses was selected along with 6 others to train at the Wuqiao Acrobatics School in China , so not only is he a brilliant personality, he is also incredibly talented ! Having done a juggling workshop before, my main memory is of being in complete hysterics as we all scrambled around trying to stop our juggling balls from flying into each other – and not succeeding !

So you’re feeling a bit frazzled from your Saturday night frivolities ? This is the perfect solution ! Wind down, relax and limber up with our lovely teacher Helen, surrounded by oak trees and green fields. Total yoga novices will benefit from this just as much as those more expert. One thing we can promise you – you will feel a lot better !

Make your own Bunting
Create your own beautiful strings of bunting made from a selection of pretty fabrics tailored to the wedding colour scheme or theme. Make your wedding stand out from the crowd with your unique decorations and details. You can experiment with accessories and colours to make your bunting any style you like – even personalise them with touches of your own.

Flower Crowns
Flower Crowns with Lyndsey – Using a variety of artificial flowers, wire, ribbons and more, make a stunning flower crown. A relaxing and fun activity, perfect for all crafting abilities. Wear your gorgeous crown during your weekend away or on the big day.

Fascinator and button making
Make your own fascinators using feathers, sinamay fabrics, bases, ribbons and vintage buttons and much more. Also fabric buttons or rings.
It’s so much fun creating something great and at the same time, have a real laugh and a good old chat. A great way to get to know each other. And, you get to take home something you can wear for a fabulous night out, or at the wedding.

Patchwork a quilt for the Bride!
Settle down with your friends, beautiful materials, baskets of buttons and accessories to make the most beautiful patchwork squares, all with your own individual touch. Using your beautiful patches your teacher will help you to make a wonderful patchwork quilt.
What a wonderful keepsake for the bride to be. All make a square and then make it up into a quilt for her – what a thing to have to remember your friends by!